Hey folks.
Welcome to my blog on all things Microsoft 365 alongside some of my personal reviews on techy gadgets.
The first few blogs I post will be from my previous blog, which due to personal commitments was not updated, or renewed. Please note, they were initially written between 2013 to 2015 – so although they may be outdated, they may be useful to someone.
As a everyday user of Microsoft 365, primarily SharePoint and the Power Platform, I regularly encounter issues, so I wanted to create a blog to not only share my experiences but to provide solutions to everyday problems with the aim it helps you along the way.
I have gained several accreditations over the years, as shown below (screenshots directly from my MCP Login) :
I am continually looking to better myself and will endeavour to achieve more accreditation’s.
In addition to blogging about Microsoft 365, I wanted to create a platform where I could share my views on recent ‘gadget’ purchases to aide my readers with my own personal reviews to assist with a purchase.
Please ensure you read my disclaimer before reading my blog.
I hope you enjoy this bog and find it useful.