
I had a scenario last week where I created a MS Form inside of my MS Team and wanted to capture the responses and do some validation on them.

Flow can easily connect to a MS Form and carry out some actions once the form is submitted, right?

The problem was that when I created my Forms inside Teams, I was unable to select the form from within the Flow.


  • First step, within my Microsoft Team, I created a Form as below
Create MS Form inside Teams
Form Name
Example From created inside of MS Teams
  • I navigated to Power Automate and created a new flow for when a form is submitted, as below
Power Automate Flow

However, when you expand the ‘When a new response is submitted’, you do not see the option to select the Form you just created inside of your Team.  I can see all the other forms I created from directly within MS forms, but not the form created from within MS Teams.

I was baffled by this for quite a while. Until I thought of trying something!.

MS Form ID from URL
  • I pasted the Form ID manually into the ‘When a new response is submitted’ section, as below
Paste in Form ID
  • Added the Get Response Details action and again, manually entered the Form ID as below
Get Response Details

And the Flow Worked 😊  – Hope this helps someone and avoids them wasting time like I did .